Carlos Soto Román (Santiago, Chile), an acclaimed poet, translator and literary critic, known for his dynamic contributions to the creation and comparative study of poetry and translation across languages, will be in residence at the University of Chicago as Tinker Visiting Professor in Winter 2025, hosted by the Department of Comparative Literature and the Center for Latin American Studies. He will give public lectures and teach a course titled “Writing the Unspeakable: History, Memory, and Reflection through Literature.”
Ahmad Qabaha teaches at An-Najah University in Nablus, where he has also served as Dean of the Humanities. Trained in Comparative Literature and American Studies at Lancaster University, UK, much of his work has been devoted to the Palestinian experience and in particular to the question of exile and displacement. His book Exile and expatriation in modern American and Palestinian writing (Palgrave Mcmillan, 2018) contrasts the concepts of Exile and Expatriation to ask questions about the differential national cultural imaginations around immigration and diaspora in the US and in Palestine. Ahmad, hosted by the Department of Comparative Literature, will be teaching three courses at UChicago 2024-2025.
Anna Elena Torres received an honorable mention from Maiseh Review in the Best Scholarly Book category for editing the Book With Freedom in Our Ears: Histories of Jewish Anarchism.
Rachel Galvin has been awarded a faculty grant from the Franke Institute for the Humanities for The Poesía Latina Project.
Mark Payne has been named the Chester D. Tripp Distinguished Service Professor in the Departments of Comparative Literature and Classics and the Committee on Social Thought and the College.
Nisha Kommattam has been awarded a fellowship for research Fall 2022 at the Erich Auerbach Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Cologne, Germany
Michal Peles Almagor has been awarded the Leo Baeck Prize from the Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem for her dissertation, "Writing at the Threshold: Language and Home in Twentieth Century Hebrew and German Literature"
Sam Catlin has been named a Humanities Teaching Fellow in the College and Comparative Literature for the academic year 2022-2023
Evelyn Richardson has been named a Humanities Teaching Fellow in the College and Comparative Literature for the academic year 2022-2023
Anthony Stott has been awarded a Fulbright Grant to conduct dissertation research in Tokyo while affiliated with Waseda University for 2022-2023
Alia Breitwieser Goehr has been awarded the MAPH Teaching Fellowship for 2021-2022
Sam Catlin has been awarded the Dissertation Writing Fellowship from the Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies for 2021-2022
Sam Lasman has been awarded the 2021 Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award
Jonah Lubin has been awarded the 1st Place Honors Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge BA Thesis Award
Claudio Sansone has been awarded the Committee on South Asian Studies Summer Dissertation Fellowship
Arnold Davidson has been promoted by the French Government to the rank of Commandeur--the highest rank--in the order of knighthood of which he is a member, the Ordre des Palmes Académiques. This honor was conferred for his exceptional contribution to the teaching and promotion of French thought and culture
Ana Ilievska has received the Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in the Humanities appointment at Stanford University
Sam Lasman has received the Gaylord and Dorothy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Cambridge’s Corpus Christi College
Olga V. Solovieva has published Japan’s Russia: Challenging the East-West Paradigm (co-edited with Sho Konishi) with Cambria Press
Hoda El Shakry has been awarded the MLA’s Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies for her book The Literary Qu’ran. As the award committee note in their citation, “Readers in other fields will encounter a deeply thought and impressively learned introduction to a provocative set of texts; specialists may find themselves rethinking the very shape of their field.” More information on El Shakry's scholarship is available at UChicago Humanities
Nisha Kommattam has published Sind es Frauen (QuerVerlag) in German and Are they Women? (Broadview) in English translation, a novel by Aimee Duc translated and edited with Margaret Sönser Breen
Mark Payne has published Flowers of Time: On Postapocalyptic Fiction with Princeton University Press
Ana Ilievska has been named a Humanities Teaching Fellow in the College and Comparative Literature for the academic year 2020-2021
Sam Lasman has been named a Humanities Teaching Fellow in the College and Comparative Literature for the academic year 2020-2021
Anna Torres has been named a 2020-2021 Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies Fellow for academic year 2020-2021
Mark Payne has published a foreword to Stephanie Burt's After Callimachus in Publishers Weekly Spring 2020 announcements, which has been listed in the Top 10 in the Poetry category