Classics 116
Cohort Year:
Research Interests:
Arabic literature; Islamic philosophy; Ta’zieh and embodied practices of grief; Gender and sexuality studies; Mysticism
M.A. Comparative Literature, The Pennsylvania State University, 2018
, B.A. English Language & Literature, University of Bahrain, 2015
My research focuses on Islamic supplication narratives and recitals [duʿāʾ] in both the Arabic and Persian traditions. I study Shiʿi and Sufi mystical traditions and work with questions of orality, performance, embodiment, sadness and translation.
Teaching Experience:
ESL Instructor, University of Bahrain (2018-2020)
Instructor, STARTALK Arabic, Penn State University (Summer 2018)
Instructor, Arabic 001-002, Penn State University (Spring 2017, Fall 2017)